Co-op Seedling Grants
What Are Seedling Grants?
Through our Co-op Seedling Grant program, City Market grants funding to projects from Vermont non-profit organizations whose work strengthens our local food system. The Seedling Grants will be the 50% Rally for Change partner for four separate months in FY23 & FY24 to fund this year's Grants Program.
Village Hydroponics
Addison Allies Network
Hardwick Area Food Pantry

Janet S. Munt Family Room

Common Roots
Smokey House Center
Friends of the Highgate Library and Community Center

The Quarry Hill School
Seedling Grant History
During profitable years, City Market Members receive patronage checks based on their spending as a form of profit-sharing. According to City Market’s By-Laws, any Patronage Refunds that are not cashed within 90 days are donated to organizations supporting our local food system, as directed by our Board. In 2014, City Market created a new program to offer grants through our uncashed Patronage Refund checks – our Seedling Grant Program! Since 2018, this program has been funded through Rally for Change as the Co-op works toward a return to profitability after our South End expansion.

Past Seedling Grant Recipients
2023: Village Hydroponics, Addison Allies Network, Hardwick Area Food Pantry, Janet S. Munt Family Room, Common Roots, Smokey House Center, Lund, Friends of the Highgate Library and Community Center, the Quarry Hill School
2022: Sterling College, Janet S. Munt Family Room, Fairfield Community Center Association, Center for an Agricultural Economy, Rural Vermont, Spoonful Herbals, Friends of Fletcher Free Library, LUND, and Slow Food Vermont
2021: Community Health Centers of Burlington, Common Roots, Boys & Girls Club of Burlington, Milk With Dignity Standards Council, and Age Well
2020: 350 Vermont, ACORN, Barton Community Garden, New Community Project, NOFA-VT, and UVM State Agricultural College
2019: Janet S. Munt Family Room, Trinity Children's Center, Farm at VYCC, AALV New Farms for New Americans, Lund VT, HOPE (Addison County), Pathways VT (Soteria House), HANDS, CVOEO, and UVM Extension
2018: Age Well, Community Health Centers of Burlington, The Howard Center, Milk with Dignity, United Way of Lamoille County, UVM Plant & Soil Science, and Winooski Partnership for Prevention
2017: Burlington High School's Richard Meyer's Food Science Class, The Intervale Center, Janet S Munt Family Room, The Schoolhouse Learning Center, UVM Foundation, and Downtown Winooski
2016: Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf: Farm Stand Project, Intervale Center: Trail Extension Project, Rural Vermont: Regenerative Agriculture Project, Salvation Farms: Food Hub Workforce Training Program, Spoonful Herbals: Herb Mobs, Sustainability Academy PTO: Processing/Cooking Kit, University of Vermont: Plugging a "Leek" in the Local Food System and Vermont Community Garden Network: Gardens for Learning
2015: Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf: Farm Stand Project, Intervale Center: Trail Extension Project, Rural Vermont: Regenerative Agriculture Project, Salvation Farms: Food Hub Workforce Training Program, Spoonful Herbals: Herb Mobs, Sustainability Academy PTO: Processing/Cooking Kit, University of Vermont: Plugging a "Leek" in the Local Food System and Vermont Community Garden Network: Gardens for Learning
2014: Pine Island Farm: Chicken Collaborative, Living Well Group: Farm to Care Program, University of Vermont: Establishing a Swede Midge Damage Threshold for Brassica Crops, The Schoolhouse Learning Center: Taking Root: The Farm, Food, Forest (FFF) Program, and Chittenden Emergency Food Shelf: Food Shelf Mobile Pantry and Transport Trailer
Past Seedling Grant Award Ceremonies
Due to COVID-19, we were not able to have in-person awards ceremonies in 2020 and 2021. Prior to 2020, we recorded our Seedling Grant Award Ceremonies. These gatherings presented a wonderful opportunity for grant recipients to meet with us, each other, and public officials to celebrate their impressive work and make connections.