Women's Tonic Tea

Rosemary Gladstar's Family Herbal (July 2010 Onion Skin Newsletter)

Raspberry leaf is rich in iron, manganese, and niacin and is also a good source of flavonoids, calcium, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins B, C, and E. Drink this tea and you might just feel like Superwoman!

Prep Time

45 minutes

Cook Time

30 minutes


1 Servings


2 lemon balm
2 nettle
2 mint, fresh (leaves)
2 raspberry leaf
1 milky oats


Using 4 to 6 Tablespoons (use the above ratios to make the tea mix) per quart of water, pour hot water over herbs in a quart Mason jar and let sit for at least 40 minutes. Strain and add stevia to taste.