Vegetarian Pâté

Jason Frishman, FolkFoods

This vegetarian pâté is great to put out when you're having friends over, and it's one of those recipes where you keep coming back for more! It also makes a nice sandwich on toasted rye bread, with fresh, thinly sliced onion and a warm-from-the-garden tomato.

Vegetarian Pate

Prep Time

30 minutes

Cook Time

30 minutes


10 Servings


2 egg, hardboiled
1 onion
1 tablespoon oil
1⁄2 teaspoon salt
1 pinch black pepper
1 can peas, sugar snap
1⁄4 cup walnuts
2 tablespoons lemon juice
  parsley, fresh (to taste)


Boil eggs. Fry onion in oil and salt for about 10 minutes, on medium heat, until becoming browned. Add peas/green beans and sauté for another approximately 10 minutes – until they are quite tender.  Combine everything in a blender or food processor and pulse to a good paste. Adjust salt as needed. Serve with cut-up cucumbers, carrots, other vegetables of choice, or crusty bread/crackers.