City Market Welcomes Self-Checkout

Time Lapse photo of a busy front end from the mezzanine.

City Market is excited to announce that we will be adding four self-checkout lanes at our Downtown store in the coming weeks! These self-checkout lanes will be located on the side of the Downtown Front End farthest from our Customer Service desk and will result in a net gain of three checkout lanes for the store when all lanes are open. As the self-checkout lanes will be available any time the store is open, we expect this change to have a significant positive impact on lines and wait times at our Downtown store. Plus, we will be hiring for three new positions as a result of this upgrade. 

The installation of four new self-checkout lanes will require some disruption in our store. Starting the week of March 13, you will notice that an area of the store's Front End will be cordoned off for construction. We expect this work to take about four weeks to complete.

We are so pleased to be able to provide City Market customers with more options for checking out!

Self-Checkout Frequently Asked Questions

When will self-checkout be available at City Market?

Self-checkout lanes will open at the Downtown store in the first half of April.

Will self-checkout be available at both stores?

At this time, we will only be installing self-checkout lanes at our Downtown store. We'll evaluate expanding self-checkout to the South End once this project is complete. 

What impact will self-checkout have on City Market staffing?

City Market will hire additional staff to manage self-checkout lanes and will continue to staff our traditional lanes at the same capacity. 

What payment types can be used at self-checkout lanes?

Our self-checkout lanes will take electronic payments only. Our kiosks will not take cash, checks, or e-WIC payments.

Will I be able to get Member Worker, Food For All, and other Member discounts at self-checkout lanes?

Yes! You will be asked to enter your Member number to access your Membership. You may also enter your phone number if we have your phone number on file. To update your phone number with us, you can use our online Member Access portal, visit our Customer Service desk, or email our Membership team at

Can I buy alcohol at self-checkout kiosks?

Yes. You will be asked to show your ID to purchase alcohol at the end of your transaction.

What happens if I start using self-checkout and need assistance?

City Market staff will always be on hand to assist with self-checkout.

Can I purchase equity or renew my Membership at a self-checkout lane?

Equity payments are not available at self-checkout lanes at this time. To renew your Membership, please visit a regular checkout lane, our Customer Service Desk, or use our online Member Access portal.