June Board Notes

By Susan Munkres, Board President

In a recent newsletter, we let you know that Patrick Brown had chosen to step down from his Board seat. The Board voted at our May meeting to appoint Charles Baldridge to fill that seat; he will fill the remainder of Patrick’s term, until December 31, 2012. Congratulations, Charles!

The Board looks forward to working with Charles, starting at our June meeting. If you’ve been to the Member Meeting or a Board meeting recently, you may recognize Charles as he attends most of these meetings. We’re pleased that this will help Charles get up to speed quickly. We also want to thank everyone who was considered for, and interested in, this Board vacancy. The continued interest in Board service on the part of members is a very good sign of the Coop’s strength. 

Please join us in welcoming Charles as your newest Board member, and feel free to come meet the Board at our monthly meetings, open to the public. Dates and times are posted at the store and on our website.