Our Bananas: Still Fair Trade. New Lower Price.

Fair Trade Bananas at City Market

We are excited to announce that Fair Trade, organic bananas are now just 99¢ per pound. This isn’t a sale or a special promotion, this is a new everyday great price. We believe strongly in the value of Fair Trade and want more shoppers to include Fair Trade items in their baskets. This price reduction is our invitation to you!

The Co-op values transparency and responsibility when it comes to food purchases, that’s why we’ve always supported the Fair Trade movement. When we can, we buy bananas from grower and supplier cooperatives, such as Equal Exchange. Fair Trade helps ensure that the growers at the end of the supply chain receive a “social premium” above the regular price of the bananas they grow. It’s important to note that even though our shoppers will now pay less, the growers on the other end won’t receive less. The social premium is a set amount per case of bananas sold, so they will continue to receive the same or potentially more if we sell a higher volume of bananas. In that sense, we think this change is fair for everyone.

The world of Fair Trade bananas is certainly complex and there is a lot more we could say on this topic. If you are interested in learning more about Fair Trade certification and the products we carry, this brochure is a good place to start. Also check out www.fairtrade.net and www.equalexchange.coop.