Beer and Wine September Newsletter: Brewery of the Month
Nikos Ridge and Jamie Floyd began Ninkasi Brewing Company in the year 2006 in Eugene, Oregon, with their first creation, Total Domination IPA. After four different expansions, they now have, in their Whiteaker neighborhood headquarters, a 55 barrel and 90 barrel brewing system. Their mission is to improve the lives of their customers, the members of their community, their employees, and business partners. And, as in ancient Sumer, the two wished to create a community and social center around beer, which they hold as the root of civilization, inspiring the written language and organized education. Well done, my friends, well done.
On top of Total Domination, look for Tricerihops DIPA, Dawn of the Red India Red Ale, Lux Helles-style Lager, and Oatis Oatmeal Stout. They also feature quarterly seasonal offerings, as well as their Rare and Delicious series.
This is Joey, signing off for September. Qapla’!