Revisiting Our Past

By Allison Weinhagen, Director of Member Services

We're getting ready to celebrate the Co-op's 40th Anniversary in October. While we realize that the buying club that started the Co-op predates 1973, we chose to use the date that the Articles of Incorporation were originally filed with the State. Not because we want to celebrate incorporation necessarily, but we needed a date and that seems to be the one best documented.

To brush up on some history, I've been digging into our files and reading our paper newsletters from the late 1970s. I've been a Member of Onion River Cooperative since the days of the North Winooski Avenue storefront. I fondly remember looking through the box of Member Cards, grabbing a paint stirrer or ruler to save my spot, smiling at the kids in the carpeted play corner and heading into the few small aisles for groceries. As I read the newsletters, I'm amazed at what hasn't changed, and as we head into the fall, be prepared for us to share some of these newsletter articles with you here in the newsletter, perhaps over on Facebook and also on our website. As the paper these articles are printed on starts to yellow and become brittle, we'll look at preserving them digitally so we don't lose pieces of our Cooperative past.

Here's a sample of an article from the May 1978 newsletter (no author was noted; any grammatical errors were part of the original article):

Time for a Change?

Everyone is familiar with the Co-op's perennial problems of chaotic distributions, cramped quarters, parking hassles, out-of-stock items and general craziness. There is no doubt that these contribute to the loss of membership and high turnover in staff--a condition which cannot last indefinitely.

Ideas are circulating to look for a new space and/or to redesign our operations. Warehouse space is the most appropriate for a pre-order operation--an inexpensive, wide-open space to easily house a month's order, with parking, an easy access and a loading dock.

Also suggested was operating as an inventory coop--to have a month's supply of food on hand from which groups could pick up their orders on a staggered basis. A monthly pricelist would reflect actual inventory and cost, and orders could be picked up on the same day they are placed, with group members putting up their own orders.

Benefits would include the elimination of much paid staff work and lowered expenses from ordering and operating under less pressure. Of course, considerable amount of money would be required to finance the inventory, but this could be accomplished by a long to be replaced by an equity charge added onto the orders, to be refunded when one leaves the Coop. Or, if sufficient funds were invested in the Promissory Fund, we would have a very low-interest source of money that would also give member-investors an excellent return.

Many of us feel that it is time for changes like those mentioned above. What do you think? Please let us know, as ideas about new places and other successful operations are what will sustain the Coop and allow it to grow.


Does some of this sound similar to the articles you've seen in our current newsletters from our General Managers (Pat and Clem) with updates about our desire for a second location? Do you have memories of the Co-op from our early days?

We're working with Eva Sollberger of Seven Days to create a celebratory, yet historical, video filled with pictures and stories from Members. We've also been working with Co-op Member (and Intervale Center Community Relations Manager) Joyce Cellars to gather many stories from longtime Members. On August 16 from 12pm to 2pm and August 21 from 4pm to 6pm, we'll have drop in video times with Eva for Members who want to share stories.  If you want to be on video, you should follow the signs and come on up to the conference room on one of those days! Don't want to be in the film, but still want to share? Get in touch with us at and let us borrow your pictures (we'll get the originals back to you)! Then, as we get closer to the fall, don't forget to RSVP for the Member Meeting so you can sit back, relax, enjoy a delicious brunch and watch the movie at the Member Meeting!