Why I Serve: Rachel Jolly

In 2007 when I was unemployed and actively looking for work, a friend and staff member at the Co-op asked if I would be interested in serving on the Board. I was already a long-time fan and Member Worker, and my friend knew that I enjoyed volunteering. I had visions of having an immediate impact on some of the nitty-gritty details of the store I loved so much -- perhaps I could mandate that Gerard’s bread would be delivered more than twice a week in large enough quantities that it wouldn’t sell out in two hours, or maybe I could make some suggestions about the Cookie Love cookie I really wanted to see on the shelves.

However, I was nervous to serve as well. I remember balking at the three year commitment because, aside from my marriage, I hadn’t committed to anything for as long as three years. But, almost six years after first running for the Board, I’m still here, actively serving, with an intent to run for a third term. What’s kept me involved this long, aside from the fabulous dinners that we share during our monthly meetings?

It certainly wasn’t about bread or cookies. I learned quickly that City Market’s Board of Directors was focused on policy governance, not operational issues. My new role was about helping provide a framework for the General Manager through written policies to ensure that the Co-op achieves what it should (our Global Ends, for example) and avoid unacceptable situations (say, bankruptcy). While this isn’t the most glamorous stuff to consider every month, I’ve come to respect and take pride in this form of governance. 

You’ve heard from my fellow Board members over the past few months about the many ways City Market gives back to our community--through its Patronage Refund, its support of local growers, its annual donations to non-profits that share our values of bolstering the local food system and combatting childhood hunger, and its commitment to a livable wage and generous benefits for its staff.  These are all part of what makes me proud to serve the Co-op. When I joined in January 2008, there were 2,563 members; the store was earning $23.8 million in annual sales. At our last Board meeting, we noted topping 9,100 members and celebrated a justifiable boast of being the top grossing single store Co-op in the nation with over $36 million in sales. Sharing in this good news once a month, among leadership and Board members I enjoy working with, is a rewarding and gratifying honor. It’s a small way of giving back to an institution I feel lucky to be a part of and a way for me to personally invest in its success.