King Street Center
Food/Land Access
Year Round
The mission of King Street Center is to promote personal and social wellness through social, recreational and educational programs. Their goal is to give youth and families the life building skills necessary for a healthy and productive future.
Job Summary
One-Time or Smaller Commitment Opportunities:
- Family Dinner Volunteers – four times a year: set up, serve and clean up
- Kids Café Volunteers – twice weekly two-hour cooking sessions: teaching, food prep, and clean up
- Spring and Fall Clean Up
- Summer Boost Volunteer – 45 minutes reading or math skills
Ongoing and Longer Commitment Opportunities:
- Tutors – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 4:30 to 5:30
- Mentors – The King Street Center Mentoring program seeks mentors ready & able to build a friendship, broaden horizons and show commitment to an individual child. Each mentor is matched with an elementary, middle, or high school student who is enrolled at King Street Center. Mentors of kids age 5-10 should expect to spend two hours per week with your mentee. Mentors of teens age 11-18 should expect to spend 4-6 per month, over 2-4 sessions that fit both of your schedules. Sign up here.
- Book Buddy -- Volunteers ages 16+ are matched with a kindergarten through fifth grade student to read and play educational games with each week. Commitment is for the duration of the school year (end of September-June) or for Summer Program (end of June - August). Sign up here.
- Classroom Volunteers – two hours a week (3-5:30pm) for at least one semester
Learn more here.
Contact Info
Gabriella Tufo Strouse:
(802) 862-6736 x105