September and October South End Member Artist: Keilani Lime

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15 pairs of socks hang from wire in 3 rows of 5, with a handwritten sign above reading "Hospital Socks." Each pair has a price tag for a hospital bill.

With a minimalist philosophy, Keilani essays to find peace in her work by striving for balance and clarity. Through the use of texture and undemanding focus, her paintings invite the viewer to reach out and touch and interpret, on their own terms, the fabric that connects our shared humanity. She draws inspiration from life experiences and attempts to recreate the consequent emotions on canvas. Sometimes her work comes from a place of pain, and other times from pure joy and serenity. In each case, she aims to reflect, and perhaps even reform the din that consumes us.

Keilani Lime holds a degree in Fine Art from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California. A Vermont native, Keilani resides in Vergennes, and has been painting for over 15 years. Her works include large-format pieces, focal point design and structural texture on canvas. She also works in tactile expression with found medium and acrylic on canvas. Keilani is a disabled artist and activist. You have seen her artwork in various small exhibitions throughout Vermont. Most notably, Keilani was the sole featured artist at the Illsley Library Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont, where she lectured on ableism in the arts. Aside from painting, she is the writer of the graphic medicine comic about living with chronic illness and disability, No Spoons for You, with art by Amy Burns. You can find their comic on Instagram @nospoonsforyou
