June and July Downtown Member Artist: Jennifer DeGeorge

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A beige tapestry with several shades of green woven into the center. It is attached to a tree branch. The bottom half of the tapestry is brown and straw like. The artist sits below it, with her hair up, silver earrings, and a grey sweater.

Moonlight Weavings & Designs was created late in the evenings after my kids were in bed.

I have a beautiful view of the chin of Mount Mansfield from all the back windows of my home and this has been the greatest inspiration for my weavings. We in Vermont are surrounded by so much natural beauty throughout the seasons. Each season beginning I have a rebirth of love for that season and then a death of that when the season closes. My weavings have been focused on the mountain and the way she changes with each season and each time of day, the light, the color, and all the changes she goes through is what I aim to translate through fiber, color and texture on my loom. Each weaving is how I interpret the mountain in all her phases.

She resonates deeply with me, and I find her a mirror for myself at times. In my own seasons of my life, my phases, my transformations, we are both changing and continuing, ongoing, constant, weathering and being weathered. And when I look to her she is always there, even in cloud cover when I can’t ‘see’ her, I know exactly where she is. My connection to this mountain has grown stronger in the years I’ve started weaving, and of course that shifts the way I see her and what she feeds into me daily, and then how I bring that to my looms.
She changes with every moment…
She’s never the same, yet she is always constant.

Instagram: Moonlightweavings
