August & September Downtown Member Artist: Zac Whidby

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Six black and silver Polaroid accordion cameras from the 1970's to the 1980's are stacked in two columns on a black background. There is an eye visible in each lens.

What started as an early pandemic-era hobby has blossomed into a multi-million-dollar, high art, super fancy business venture. I use elegant gold frames that I find in dumpsters to accentuate thoughtful collages made from vintage magazines. My woork has been featured in some of Burlington’s most esteemed galleries, such as Kru Coffee, ArtsRiot, The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, and a garage sale in front of my apartment. I cut and paste these bad boys with my bare hands. None of my woork is digital. All of my woork is for sale. 

Venmo for framed pieces: @woodby
Instagram: @woodwoork_
