Kristina Sweet

A photo of a woman from the waist up. She is standing in front of a wide, dark brown tree. She has dark brown hair and bangs, and she is wearing a dark blue sleeveless button-down blouse. She is smiling.

Meet Candidate Kristina Sweet

Why would you like to serve on the City Market Board? What excites you about becoming a Board Member?

As an enthusiastic fan of thoughtful, deliberate decision-making, I'm excited for the opportunity to continue serving City Market, Onion River Co-op's member-owners for a third board term. City Market is a significant community asset and a keystone of our local food system. As a board member, I have enjoyed working cooperatively to make decisions in the interest of our members, to uphold co-op principles and values, and to guide City Market's future growth.

Over the past two years, City Market has also demonstrated its commitment to our local food system by supporting farmers hit by catastrophic flooding through Rally for Change donations and other efforts. City Market staff have continued to diligently serve our community during extremely challenging circumstances, and I look forward to working with my fellow board members to continue to support co-op staff. 

In addition, as a co-op shopper, I appreciate the variety of products from the growing number of local farms and small businesses that I can support in one trip. While the COVID-19 pandemic affected the availability of goods and consumer shopping habits, it also highlighted the importance of local food supply chains and City Market's commitment to providing environments where shoppers felt safe through reduced store capacity limits and other measures.

The role our co-op plays in the community is now more critical than ever, and board members' fiduciary role in guiding City Market back to profitability and maintaining our financial sustainability will keep this community asset with us for decades to come!

The Board seeks candidates who are dedicated, cooperative, committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and willing to participate in group discussions ranging from financial oversight to support of management, staff and Members. Please describe the skills and experiences you have that will help you be an effective board member in these regards. How would you use your skills and experiences to help the Board understand and use data as part of the decision-making process of our community-owned cooperative?

I always strive to find the best role for my skills and talents when working as part of a team. At the same time, I speak up to share my observations, opinions, and reasoning during discussions and decision-making and unreservedly support group decisions that result from the Board’s deliberative process.

In addition to cooperative board leadership training, I have completed additional financial training for directors and have served as board president since 2021. I am excited to continue to work with co-op leadership and my fellow board members to evaluate the co-op’s financial health and future return to profitability.

In my position at the Vermont Community Broadband Board in the State of Vermont Department of Public Service, I manage federal grants awarded to my organization, as well as grants to nonprofits and businesses. This work involves creating and managing budgets and reviewing expenditures, as well as working one-on-one with organizations to responsibly steward public funds. I also frequently work with complex legal and policy documents, and I enjoy working as part of a team to make decisions collectively and transparently.

Describe your prior involvement with community organizations and/or cooperatives. What did you learn from these experiences?

My interest in serving on the City Market Board stems from both my work in Vermont food systems and the public serctor and my belief in the value of the cooperative business model to contribute to social and economic equity. I have previously worked with many community organizations, including serving as a member of a food buying club in Chicago that later developed into the Dill Pickle Food Co-op.

The Board collaborates with the General Manager to support inclusion, diversity, equity, access, and social justice (IDEAS) at City Market. How would you ensure that the Board’s work is grounded in these principles? How would you help point City Market in the right direction when it comes to IDEAS? Please describe any prior involvement in IDEAS work either personally or professionally.

During the past three years, the Board of Directors has established a board perpetuation committee to explore and implement ways to increase member participation and interest in running for the board. I am excited to continue to support the work of this committee to help the board recruit and maintain a diverse board that represents our local community. One of our primary goals in this work is to help members who might not have seen themselves as "qualified" board members understand that their perspectives can make the board stronger. 

As a state employee, I have also worked to bring IDEAS perspectives to public sector work at the Agency of Agriculture and the Department of Public Service, most recently in beginning implementation Vermont’s Digital Equity Plan, which is focused on delivering equitable access to broadband internet, devices, and technological support to all Vermonters and especially those who have experienced barriers to full digital access.  

What opportunities and challenges do you see in the future of City Market?

City Market operates in an increasingly competitive retail environment and at the same time is devoted to much more than simply making a profit. However, the co-op’s principles and values are also part of its strength, as it contributes to a more sustainable and just economy and food system. City Market and the board must maintain a commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion in operations and governance, sustain and advance staff support and appreciation, and continue to work toward a return to profitability. I remain committed to addressing these opportunities and challenges in my third term on the Board.