2024 Board of Directors Elections

Run for the Board!

Applications are now open for Members who would like to run for our Board of Directors and help guide our Co-op to a resilient future. City Market is governed by a 9-member Board of Directors, elected from among our 12,000+ Co-op Members. Elections will be held from October 1 to October 21. This year we have three seats up for election. The three candidates who receive the most votes will be elected for 3-year terms, starting January 2025 and ending December 2027.

Board Members typically serve for three-year terms. When a Board Member vacates a seat before the end of their 3-year term, the Board may appoint a new Board Member who will serve until the next election process. 

apply here

All applications and application materials are due by Saturday, August 31, 2024.

People seated in two rows in a large room. Behind them are tall windows. Outside the windows, it's dark. In front of the windows, a man in a checked shirt holds a video camera. At the far right of the image, a well-lit man with short black hair holds a microphone. His free hand is raised in an expressive gesture. He is wearing jeans and a blue-gray tee shirt.

Eligibility Requirements

City Market, Onion River Co-op Board of Directors' candidates must:

  • Be a City Market, Onion River Co-op Member in good standing. Any household member wanting to run for the Board must purchase Equity under their own Membership by August 31, 2024.
  • Be 18 years of age as of August 31, 2024.
  • State all potential conflicts of interest on the application and must not have an overriding conflict of interest.

Board Applicant Checklist

In an effort to better educate new candidates about Board work, including the time commitment involved and the associated responsibilities, the Board has created a list of optional preparedness activities. Applicants are encouraged to:

  • Attend an Orientation with Michael Healy. Michael Healy is a Co-op Member, our Board Facilitator and a consultant with Columinate. We have scheduled three orientations to the City Market Board of Directors this summer. All will be conducted on Zoom:
    • Tuesday, August 6, 6:00pm - 7:00pm
    • Wednesday, August 21, 5:00pm – 6:00pm
    • Monday, August 26, 4:30pm – 5:30pm
    • To attend one of these sessions, RSVP at least 48 hours in advance to Cheray MacFarland at cmacfarland@citymarket.coop. If you RSVP and then need to cancel, please let Cheray know.
  • Read suggested materials on Policy Governance. If you would prefer printed versions, please contact Cheray MacFarland.




  • Review a Board packet from a prior meeting. City Market’s Board packets are reading materials that each Board Member receives prior to each meeting to help them be prepared to fully participate in the monthly Board meeting.


  • Attend a Board meeting. There are three opportunities to attend Board meetings, either in-person or on Zoom, before the Monday, September 4 Board Candidate Application deadline. Please RSVP to Cheray MacFarland at 802-861-9753 or cmacfarland@citymarket.coop prior to the meeting to receive directions for accessing the meeting remotely.
    • Monday, June 24, 6:00pm in person at our South End Store Community Room
    • Monday, July 22, 6:00pm on Zoom
    • Monday, August 26, 6:00pm on Zoom
  • Talk with a current Board Member. This will give you a Board Member’s perspective of the Co-op’s governance process. Board Members will be available during the orientation sessions with Michael Healy (see above). Otherwise, please use the contact information on our Board page to get in touch with a Board Member directly.
  • Incumbents: If you’re a current Board Member running for your next term, you’ve already done all of the above items. We’ll make sure to note that in the Elections materials.

Thank you for participating in Co-op Governance!