Spectacular Nature Day

Sunday, April 30, 2023
11:00am - 1:00pm

Intervale Center
180 Intervale Road
Burlington, VT 05401

ALL ARE WELCOME. Whether you're a regular visitor of the Greater Burlington natural areas or have always wanted to explore, there are plenty of engaging opportunities to participate in!

  • City Nature Challenge: a self-guided bioblitz challenge using the iNaturalist app. Observe the species active in our area and see what you can discover! Naturalists will be available for guidance or see our iNaturalist resources

  • Planting events: help regenerate riparian forests by planting young ostrich ferns and caring for newly planted trees along the Winooski. 

  • Sustainable foraging: learn harvesting practices of non-native invasive plants! and utilizing them for paper making and eating!  Japanese Knotweed ice cream, anyone?🍦

  • Tabling: learn about nature and climate action initiatives from our tabling partners such as Burlington WildwaysGrow Wild, and others!


Burlington Intervale at the Intervale center. (180 Intervale Rd, Burlington, VT 05401) Registration and walks will begin at the Intervale Center Barn.

​PLEASE NOTE: all dogs must remain on-leash.