Summervale: Shake Up Frozen Yogurt
Thursday, July 26, 2012
9:30am - 12:00pm
Make-It-From-Scratch Activity at Summervale
Intervale Center, 180 Intervale Rd (map)
Summervale celebrates community, Vermont farms, and local food every Thursday throughout July and August. Each week, City Market will be there with Make-It-From Scratch Food Activities. This week we’ll be turning fresh yogurt into frozen blueberry yogurt. Stop by our table while you’re at Summervale, no need to sign up. Other Summervale fun includes food and beverages from American Flatbread, Farmhouse Tap & Grill, Lake Champlain Chocolates, Three Tomatoes Trattoria, The Skinny Pancake, Sugarsnap, Bluebird Coffee Stop, New Farms for New Americans, Slow Food Vermont tastings, and local live music. Join us!
Free admission!