Amy Powers

1. Why would you like to serve on the Board of Directors of the Onion River Cooperative?

I have been a member-owner of the City Market/Onion River Cooperative for 18 years, and a member worker for six of those years. I value our Co-op for many reasons—access to whole, local, organic foods, a commitment to community and sustainability, and the example City Market and other cooperatives set for socially responsible business practice and alternative economies. I have enjoyed a great variety of member worker opportunities, and now seek the opportunity to serve our membership with my professional skills. I have worked with non-profit organizations throughout my career--including collaboratively run organizations--and for the past 13 years I have led a small consulting firm specializing in program evaluation and organizational development. I have led my own organization’s board of directors during all these years, and feel I can serve the Co-op board with my skills in organizational development, group process and facilitation, analytical thinking, and business management. I bring a commitment to helping create a more just world, and see food security, environmental sustainability, healthy bodies, community justice, and alternative economic models as pivotal in walking that path.

2. The work of the Board is not operational – that is, it does not deal with the daily operations of the store. Instead, the Board deals with the overall policies that identify and guide the mission of the Cooperative. How will you stay focused on the larger vision, without being distracted by the day-to-day operations of the store?

As a leader in my own organization’s development, I am accustomed to maintaining a focus on the big picture—policy development, strategic planning, structural decisions, adherence to the mission, and attending first to the principle behind each decision. As a consultant, I seek to help the organizations I work with do the same as they develop and improve their programs. I would commit to listening deeply to all stakeholders involved in and affected by Board discussions; doing my best to represent the voices of Co-op members; maintaining an open mind and heart; and reading and researching thoroughly to prepare for productive discussions and effective decision-making.

3. What strengths and skills would you bring to the work of the Cooperative’s Board?

I bring the skills of an entrepreneur and those of an organizational consultant. I have worked for the past two decades with non-profit organizations who strive to make the world a better place, both as an educator, direct service worker, administrator, and adviser. In those capacities, I have developed skills that I believe are key to Board membership; listening to all variety of stakeholders, asking questions, working as a team, perspective taking, and thinking evaluatively. I have degrees in Environmental Studies and Environmental Administration.

On a personal note (with respect to food), I am a long time Co-op member and fan, parent to three young boys who seem to eat somewhere near half of the inventory of the coop monthly, a supporter of local CSA farms and farmer’s markets, a volunteer with the Farm to School initiative, and an avid vegetable gardener. I am convinced that food is an essential leverage point for making positive changes at personal and systemic levels. Coops like City Market are leading the way and I would enjoy the opportunity to lend my skills to this effort. Thanks.